Interested in Getting Started?

Current availability

Our psychotherapy clinics are temporarily closed to new referrals, as all our clinicians are currently full. We hope to re-open the clinics to new referrals soon, and we apologize for the inconvenience. Please check back regularly for updates - we hope to reopen our adult psychotherapy clinic to new referrals in June.

If you are looking for in-person therapy in San Francisco for adults 18+, or if you are a gender diverse teen seeking therapy, we may have some daytime availability. Please contact us for more information if you are interested in these specific services. Otherwise, please check this page regularly for updates on our other clinics.

Our assessment clinic is open to referrals for individuals of all ages, and we are typically able to schedule these appointments with minimal wait times. To schedule a free phone consultation for an assessment, please visit our assessment scheduling page.

Please check our website regularly for updated availability.